Using our free education programs, you can increase literacy, enhance employability, and not only gain, but also retain employment.
Our learner-centric approach to education allows flexibility to adapt to a person’s learning needs. We are another chance opportunity for youth and adults who have been marginalized or needed an alternative to traditional educational settings. By engaging learners at their level, we are able to facilitate learning and prepare for positive outcomes through guidance and professional support services. We present opportunities for learners to practice their skills to prepare for diverse postsecondary and training opportunities. Our goal is to enhance adult literacy skills and help learners invest in their future.
Delaware residents can receive the following services:
- Adult Literacy & GED Preparation
- One-on-one tutoring
- Basic reading and math skills instruction
- Small class sizes
- Post-Secondary Preparation
- Identify and apply to programs
- Assistance with securing financial aid
- Best practices and connecting to tutors
- Case Management
- Holistic, wrap around services
- Adult Mentoring Sessions
- Group and individual
- Leadership Development
- Community engagement opportunities
- Financial Literacy
- Budgets
- Loans
- Financial goals
- Credit
- Digital Literacy
- Essential computer skills
- Essential software skills
- Using technology in daily life
- Support Services
- Transportation assistance
- Compensate cost of GED
- Social, emotional, & behavioral health
From Our Students
– Makiah Boyd“The value of my education is that it is opening doors for me to make a better life for myself and my daughter.”
Interested in helping cover the cost of a student’s GED exam or other activities to help them with their new start?
Make a contribution to “GED Services.”

Contact Us
For additional information about our programs, please contact Mia Harvey
at 302-658-4171 x 161 or mmillner@westendnh.org.